Ariel Castro's Brothers Call Him A "Monster", Say They Knew Nothing And Express Sympathy To Victims In CNN Interview[VIDEO]

Ariel Castro's brothers, Pedro and Onil, broke their silence in a CNN exclusive interview this morning.  The brothers of the kidnapper plead their innocence, call Ariel a "monster," and express sympathy to the victims. They claim they knew nothing and that Ariel was good at hiding his crimes. They beg the public to believe them and leave them alone after countless death threats.

"I seen Ariel with a little girl at McDonald's and I asked him who's that and he said "This is a girlfriend's of mine,"' Pedro Castro told CNN. The little girl was Amanda Berry's child that she has with Ariel Castro in the house of horrors.

When he saw the same young girl at Burger King with Ariel on a different occasion, he asked where the mother was but Ariel just said she was busy.

The brothers said that they had no inkling about the years of abuse that went on at their brother's house because they never had a thorough tour of his home on Seymour Avenue.

On the rare occasions that they did visit his home, they stayed in the kitchen and could not see into the other areas because Ariel had put up curtains blocking the other rooms. He explained that it was an energy saving technique.

"The reason why we would go in the kitchen, because he had alcohol. And he would take me in the kitchen, give me a shot," Pedro said.

Other ways that he would keep his guests from suspecting any criminal activity was to constantly have a radio or TV on so that it would drown out any background noise, and they would never spend much time actually indoors, opting to eat out on the steps instead.

The brothers, who were arrested along with Ariel Castro but later released due to a lack of evidence, say that since their release from prison, they have been faced with online death threats, a break-in at one of their homes, and vandalism.

When asked by CNN reporter Martin Savidge if the public would always suspect they had a role in the kidnappings, they answered 'yes' in unison.

Onil Castro said: 'The people out there who know me, they know that Onil Castro is not that person, has nothing to do with that - would never even think of something like that. I was a very liked person [before the arrest], never had any enemies.

'[There is] no reason for anybody to think that I would ever do something like that. It was a shock to all my friends. They couldn't believe it.'

Pedro Castro added: 'I couldn't never think of doing anything like that. If I knew that my brother was doing this, in a minute I would have called the cops; cause that ain't right. But yeah, it's going to haunt me down. Cause people are going to think Pedro had something to do with this and pedro don't have anything to  do this.

They said that even though Castro is their brother, they would have had no choice but to turn him in if they had known.

'If I knew, I would have reported it, brother or no brother.'

They consider their brother to be a 'monster' and said that one of the worst moments for them came when they realized that Gina DeJesus was one of the kidnapping victims since they are friends with her father, Felix.

"I knew him for a long time and when I found out that Arial had Gina, I just broke down; its just shocking. Ariel, we know this guy for a long time and you got his daughter and you go round like nothing, you even went to the vigils, you had posters, you give his mama a hug and you got his daughters captive?" Pedro said in disbelief in the interview that aired Monday morning.

The brothers hope Ariel "rots in hell."  They don't want him to get the death penalty and prefer him be locked up forever and expressing shope that he starves in prison. They apologized to the three kidnapping victims for what their brother has done.

Lillian Rodriguez, the mother of Ariel Castro also expressed sympathy to the victims and their families.

"I am a mother in a lot of pain,' she said in Spanish. 'I am sorry for what my son has done."

She added that she is sorry for the mothers of the three women whom her son held hostage. Amanda Berry, 26, Gina DeJesus, 23, and Michelle Knight, 32 were kidnapped by Castro allegedly raping and beating them for a decade.

Lillian sadly said, "We will get through this, our greatest concern is for those three girls,' she said. From one family to another, we feel your pain. I feel horrible that their families for their daughters for so many years. Those families always believe."

With tears in her eyes, she added that she never suspected Ariel's dark secret, calling him a loving cousin, father and son.

Another family member, Castro's daughter Arlene, also feels much sorrow for what her father did. She begs for forgiveness from Gina DeJesus, kidnapping victim and former her best friend.

Arlene had been the last person to see DeJesus, then 14, before she was snatched by her father in 2004 and imprisoned in his Cleveland home.

"I'm absolutely so, so sorry," she announced on GMA as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I really want to see you, Gina and I want you to meet my kids. I'm so sorry for everything."

Gina, who claims she was not close with her father, added "I'm really disappointed, embarrassed, devastated about this whole situation."

Horrible details have begun to emerge about what the girls may have been forced to endure over the last decade at the hands of their captors.

Local police sources revealed that Ariel Castro would use a sick game to 'train' the three girls not to run away by pretending to leave the house, only to beat them if they tried to run free.

This is said to be just one of the manipulative tactics he used to keep the three young women in his house for up to ten years.  In addition to rapes, Castro beat the girls frequently.

Michelle Knight was reportedly beaten the worst and most often.  She became pregnant with five of his children and he beat her until she miscarried all five times.  More details of the captivity will surface shortly. 

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