Lamborghini Egoista Unveiled At Lamborghini's 50th Birthday; Apache Helicopter-Inspired Single-Seater Is A "Car Without Compromises"

At its 50th anniversary party, Lamborghini unveiled the Lamborghini Egoista from designer Walter De Silva.

Designed and inspired to look like Apache attack helicopters and powered by a 600-hp V-10 engine, the new Lamborghini Egoista is designed to fit only one person.

"This is a car made for one person only, to allow them to have fun and express their personality to the maximum. It is designed purely for hyper-sophisticated people who want only the most extreme and special things in the world. It represents hedonism taken to the extreme, it is a car without compromises, in a word: egoista (or selfish)," stated the designer when explaining the name of the new Lamborghini.

The Egoista, does not seem to be too road friendly. In fact, the car is designed to violate most, if not all, rules for road-suitable cars.

Sans bumper, the car is garnished with LED warning lights rather than the traditional headlights. It's solo-passenger seat, or "cock-pit" slides forward to allow the owner to enter and exit the Egoista, which is a more of an elaborate procedure, according to Lamborghini.

"To get out of the vehicle, the driver must remove the steering wheel and rest it on the dashboard, open the dome with an electronic command, stand up in their seat, sit down on a precise point of the left-hand bodywork, then swivel their legs 180 degrees from the inside of the cockpit to the outside of the vehicle. At this point they can set their feet down and stand up," stated Lamborghini.

But don't get too excited, Lamborghini enthusiasts, Lamborghini is making it very clear that no one will never build or sell the Egoista.

And just like that, the Egoista like every other mid-life crisis dream: just another fleeting shot to once again relieve our "glory days" that can never really be attained.

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