$22K Ring Down Toilet; Jenna Wolf Flushes Costly Ring But Finds Band In Sewage [VIDEO]

Jenna Wolfe accidentally flushed her $22k ring down the toilet at her home in Hampton, Virginia.

The frantic woman tried recovering the ring with a plunger after dropping it in the toilet, but that proved to be unsuccessful. She then called a local sanitation company who pumped raw sewage for days from the home's sewer system in hopes of finding the $22k ring. After four days the ring was found and placed back on Wolfe's finger.

The ring was captured in a wastewater debris trap set up in the water line. Workers were able to find the ring in the trap, among debris.

The story reminds us of the Claver's story; the couple that also lost a ring via the toilet. But this ring was lost for quite a bit longer.

Donna Claver of Stanford, Montana recovered an engagement ring that was lost in a toilet for 36 years.

"I remember putting it on the back of the toilet to put lotion on," Donna Claver said. "I saw it slip toward the toilet bowl, and I went to grab it, but I missed and it fell in. It went right down into the little hole at the bottom of the toilet. I could put my finger in that hole and feel it with the tip of my finger, but it was wedged in tight."

36 years later, and just like the $22k ring down the toilet, the Claver's ring returned. Only instead of a sanitation crew, it was her husbad, Terry Claver, who managed to rescue the ring. While working on a house across the street from the one where his wife lost the ring, Terry Claver saw some men carrying the old toilet outside to be disposed as part of a renovation project. He immediately jumped at the chance to get his hands on the toilet.

"I put it in the back of my pickup and drove it into the shop," Terry Claver said. "I got a sledgehammer, and I whacked it. The base of the toilet fell down on the truck's end gate, and right in the center where the little hole would have been was the ring."

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