Comfort Women Were "Necessary": Japanese Officials Defend Use Of Wartime Sex Slaves

Comfort women have been the subject of new attention after a Japanese politician has incited protest due to his comments. He claims that wartime sex slaves were necessary to provide "comfort" for soldiers in battle.

As many as 200,000 women, who were mostly from Korea and China, were forced into military brothels to to become prostitutes for Japanese soldiers during World War II.

The mayor of Osaka, Toru Hashimoto, angered groups who feel that there has not been a sufficient apology for the practice or repartations. Groups who fight for an end to sex trafficking also protested over his comments about comfort women.

Hashimoto said: "To maintain discipline in the military, it must have been necessary at that time. For soldiers who risked their lives in circumstances where bullets are flying around like rain and wind, if you want them to get some rest, a comfort women system was necessary. That's clear to anyone."

There has been additional concern lately that the government might recant past apologies, which were not deemed sufficient enough to begin with.

Before he took office in December, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called for revising a 1993 statement by then-Prime Minister Yohei Kono that apologized for the suffering "comfort women" and sexual slaves endured before he took office.

Mr Abe has previously acknowledged that "comfort women" existed but has said there is not enough evidence the women were coerced or entered prostitution against their will.

Beijing venhemently protested the comments, saying they were "shocked" and "angered". In a statement,  Chinese foreign ministry spokesman Hong Lei said to press: "The forced use of comfort women was a severe crime the Japanese military committed during World War Two, and it is also a major human rights issue that concerns the dignity of the victims.

"We express shock and anger at the Japanese politician who made the comments in public that challenge the conscience of mankind and historical justice.

"How it reflects on history will decide how Japan is going to face the future."

Rallies demanded apologies. Japan's relationship with its neighbors, already strained, may be hurt by the comments. Senior government officials contraditcted Hashimoto's statement, claiming his feelings about comfort women are the same as those of previous administrations.

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