Senior Prostitution Ring At Nursing Home Features Cocaine Use, Dirty Condoms In The Rec Room, Passed Out Drug Addicts In The Halls

A senior prostitution ring discovered at a New Jersey nursing home was led by 75-year-old man and his 66-year-old neighbor as both trafficked in drugs, women and overall debauchery. 

The geriatric suspects in the senior prostitution ring are accused of running a brothel out of their apartments, heavy use of cocaine, and generally causing their apartment complex to become overrun by drug addicts and alcoholics who left used condoms in the recreation room. 

The craziest part is that the senior prostitution ring was run out of senior housing complex in New Jersey. The two suspects arrested in the senior prostitution ring are 75-year-old James Parham and his 66-year-old neighbor, Cheryl Chaney the Record reports. 

The 75-year-old Parham admits he spearheaded the senior prostitution ring by providing crack-addicted prostitutes to younger neighbors at the building.

After residents started complaining about the drunks, drug addicts, used condoms, and other troubles, and police started working undercover to nab the culprits. 

Many residents were scared to leave their apartments as drug addicts, alcoholics, prostitutes, crack vials and used condoms in the rec room turned the Vincente K. Tibbs Senior Citizen Building into a war zone for the senior citizens living in the complex; all because of the senior prostitution ring led by Parham.

The senior prostitution ring was discovered after residents complained and the police set up an undercover sting to nab the people running the senior prostitution ring. 

Chief Arthur O'Keefe of the Englewood police said, "Essentially, they were prisoners in their own building. I wasn't going to allow that to continue."

Wondering how Parham and Chaney were allowed into the building to run their senior prostitution ring, Maria Iwano, the housing authority's executive director said "They came up absolutely clean," and "They had nothing to prevent us from putting them in the building." 

The two senior prostitution ring leaders, Chaney and Parham, had no criminal record, but Parham had a few minor arrests years ago  for disorderly conduct and other low level crimes, said O'Keefe.

The two have since been evicted and residents can breath a sigh of relief as the senior prostitution ring has ended in their senior apartment complex has ended. 

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