James Franco Says "Your Highnes" Sucked in GQ Interview

The charming and slightly mysterious James Franco will be gracing the cover of GQ this June and talked openly about himself and his career, including which of his movies he honestly thinks sucked.

"'Your Highness'? That movie sucks," he admitted to GQ. "You can't get around that."

"Your Highness" received a 26 percent rating on Rotten Tomatoes, with film critic Greg Maki giving the movie a solid F. Director David Gordon Green may not be too ecstatic about such harsh criticism from one of the movies main stars.

However, this is not the first time that Franco has openly criticized a movie he has starred in. This past March, Franco, 35, admitted that he considered the 2006 movie, "Annapolis," pretty bad.

And while that may have been Franco's honest opinion, director Justin Lin was not too keen with the actor's open criticism.

"I wish James could keep it to himself because I don't know the point. We make movies and we all try our best and sometimes we connect with the audience, sometimes we don't. And I can tell you for a fact: A lot of people worked very, very hard to make him look good," he explained. "Whether we succeeded or not? You know, that's subjective. There are people who like that film -- the film did well in home video -- the reviews are maybe not what we had hoped for. But it was also a genre that's very hard to make," Lin said to HuffPost Entertainment.

Will fans respect Franco's honesty, or will he soon be considered just another uppity actor too good for his own work?

But, while directors might be upset with his harsh criticism, how can one be mad at a man who openly mocks himself?

"My public persona is something that is only partially constructed by me, so if people want to mock that, it's fine. I mock it," he told GQ.

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