Lana Del Rey Says Media Criticism Could Trigger Relapse; "Young And Beautiful" Singer Has Struggled With Alcoholism

Being in the music business requires a thick skin: just ask Lana Del Rey. The singer battled alcohol addiction in her teens, but recently said that criticism from the media and musical peers has tempted her to relapse on more than one occasion. Del Rey, who rose quickly to fame after the YouTube hit Video Games, said the press has been unfairly harsh to her at times and that the "school of hard knocks" can be difficult for those trying to stay sober in the music industry.

"I feel like my work's important, but I don't always feel like I get respect for it," she said to Canada's Fashion Magazine. "When I feel like people don't like this music and that the 10 years I spent making what I made was not for a good reason, that makes me want to drink again."

Del Rey has admitted in previous interviews that her alcoholism began at the age of 14, after her parents sent her to boarding school.

"I would drink every day. I would drink alone," she said last year to GQ, "I knew it was a problem when I liked it more than I liked doing anything else."

The now-sober starlet says she relates to Lindsay Lohan, who has notoriously struggled with substance abuse and unfavorable press attention and is currently in rehab. "She's really interesting, and she's a fan of mine, and she knows I love her too," said Del Rey of Lohan. "We are in a similar boat."

Del Rey, whose recent single "Young and Beautiful" is featured in The Great Gatsby, said that she does not believe that the media criticism has ultimately helped her, although she acknowleged it being an unavoidable price of  success.

"All that stuff about whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger is so not true," she said. "Do you know what makes you stronger? When people treat you and your art with dignity."

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