Rich Manhattan Families Hire Handicapped Guides To Bypass Disney Lines; Guide Company Denies Claims

The 1% does Disney a bit differently, apparently. A new book exposes a trend of upper-crust Manhattan mothers who use a "black market" to hire Disney World tour guides who are disabled so that they can skip the long lines.

"My daughter waited one minute to get on 'It's a Small World'- the other kids had to wait 2 1/2 hours," one mother allegedly said. "You can't go to Disney without a tour concierge. This is how the 1 percent does Disney."

Social anthropologist Dr. Wednesday Martin's new book, Primates of Park Avenue, uncovers a trend of moms with an extra-special sense of entitlement. Apparently, these moms use a "black market" connection to hire handicapped guides to pose as family members. That way, they can guide families through auxiliary lines for disabled patrons.  One such alleged company is the "rogue guide service" Dream Tours.

The woman quoted apparently hired a Dream Tours guide to escort the family-the mother, her husband, and their five-year-old daughter and one-year-old son-through Disney. The guide escorted them through the park on her motorized scooter, and at each attraction, the group got shunted to an auxiliary handicapped entrance.  The phone number for the service has allegedly been "ritualistically" passed around "Manhattan's private-school set"

The guides supposedly charge $130 an hour for their services-still, it's a steal compared to the  $310-$380 an hour that's charged for an official Disney World fast pass and VIP guide.

"Who wants a speed pass when you can use your black-market handicapped guide to circumvent the lines all together?" Dr. Martin writes in her book.

Dream Guide was contacted as part of the story by the Post, but denies any wrongdoing. The company's head, Ryan Clament, says he and his handicapped girlfriend Jacie Christiano don't exploit her disability for profit. They simply say she does conduct tours on her scooter-which is reasonable, given that she's disabled. Perhaps the Manhattan 1%er moms cutting the Disney lines are exploiting her, though.

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