Taco Bell Testing 'Waffle Taco' Featuring Eggs, Sausage Patty, Waffle, Syrup [Video & Pic]

Taco Bell testing "Waffle Taco" in secret at three Southern California chains with ingredients including eggs, sausage pattie, waffle and syrup.

The Taco Bell "Waffle Taco" is just their latest iteration of the "burrito" as the "Mexican food" fast food chain rolled out the new "Waffle Buritto" at three Southern California locations, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The Times also reports that it's pretty popular already and there have been a "steady stream" of people in Southern California who have ordered up to 10 or more of the "Waffle Taco," since they only cost 89 cents.

The Times said the Taco Bell "Waffle Taco" tastes too "mushy" and the sausage patty, which comes inside the Waffle Burrito, was too "rubbery," which makes it seems like the Times reviewer had never had a fast food breakfast sandwich before.

The person who first first reported the Waffle Taco on Instagram, gave it the hashtag #itsdelcious, so we're not sure why the Times thinks the Waffle Taco is anything but.

But many want to know whether the "Waffle Taco" is really a taco, with the Consumerist sporting a headline that reads: "Is The 'Waffle Taco' Really A Taco, Or Just A Folded Waffle With Stuff In It?"

You can try the "Waffle Taco" soon though, and you'll be the final arbiter of whether the "Waffle Taco" is delicious, or if it's even really going to be considered a "taco."

A Taco Bell representative, Rob Poetsch, told USA Today about their new "Waffle Taco," saying "If it's a hit, we'll roll it out to all of our restaurants that serve breakfast."

As mentioned in the Times article, Poetsch says Taco Bell is happy with the public reaction to their "Waffle Taco," telling USA Today "We're pleased with the initial reaction from our customers."

Since customers in Southern California have been ordering up to 10 Taco Bell "Waffle Tacos" at a time, since they only cost 89-cents each, you can be sure you'll be seeing a Taco Bell "Waffle Taco" at a Taco Bell near you.

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