"Mean Man" Burns Neighbor's House Over Lawn; Cartersville Home In Flames For Too Tall Grass

Phillip Roger Bennett, 58, of Cartersville, Ga. burned down his neighbor's house because he didn't like his lawn. The "mean man" poured two cans of gasoline into his neighbor's kitchen on Wednesday before lighting it and watching the house burn all because his grass was too tall.

Bennett fled the scene, then turned himself in Thursday morning to U.S. Marshals in Murphy, N.C.

Marty Corbitt was inside the house with his 3-year-old daughter. Both managed to escape unharmed.

Corbitt claims Bennett complained about his lawn for a week.  Bennett screamed at his neighbor and allegedly slapped him in the face before taking his argument too far and burned down his neighbor's home.

"[He] slapped me across the face and said, 'Mow your grass,'" Corbitt told NBC affiliate 11 Alive.

"My grass is too tall for him. I was going to cut it today when he set it on fire," Corbitt added in an interview with My Fox Atlanta. "Then he grabs the gas can, starts pouring it into the kitchen. As he's pouring, he takes his lighter and lights it. Flames were everywhere."

"The mean man burned my house," 3-year-old Kylie said to 11Alive's Jon Shirek as Marty held her in his arms outside their burned shell of a house.

"He kicks my door, tells me I've got five seconds to come outside. I turn around and call 911. And while I'm on the phone he comes back with two gas cans in his hand. Walks up to my kitchen door again, takes a gas can, smashes it against the glass, breaks the first pane. Then he turns around and grabs a brick, throws it through the window. And then he grabs a gas can and starts pouring it into the kitchen. And as he's pouring he takes his lighter and lights it. And flames were everywhere. I ran back to my little girl's room, grabbed her, ran out the back door over to my neighbor's and watched the house burn."

Corbitt says he and his family have lived in the house, owned by his grandmother, for about four years, and says Bennett has lived across the street for about that long.

Corbitt said that before a week ago, when the argument ensued, Bennett was a pleasant neighbor and the two had a relatively good relationship.

Corbitt told Fox News, he grabbed his daughter and ran out of the house when he realized what his neighbor had done.

"I honestly can't imagine what goes through someone's head to make them want to murder someone and their child over grass," Corbitt said. "He was actually a pretty good neighbor up until last week. And then he just went complete psycho."

The Corbitts are currently staying with relatives. Mr. Bennett has a past criminal history and is known for his erratic behavior and will face consequences for his unthinkable crimes.

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