Angelina Jolie Faces Double Mastectomy Protests; Editor Of Health Website Calls Her Procedure "Medically Perverted"

It's hard to knock someone for having a double mastectomy as a preventative measure to avoid breast cancer... but that's exactly what's happening to Angelina Jolie. Mike Adams, the editor of, released a shocking article earlier this week that accused Jolie's double mastectomy of being "medically perverted." Not only that, but Mike said that Jolie's decision to go public with her double mastectomy "inspires other women to maim themselves."

The so-called health guru not only said that the cancer industry profits off "irrational fears spread by misinformed women," but claimed that Jolie could have instead reduced her risk of breast cancer through a better diet. "A woman's risk of breast cancer can be reduced by 78% using nothing but vitamin D. Yeah, take some vitamin D and keep your breasts! What a deal, eh?" he wrote.

Adams then went on to accuse Jolie of falling prey to "medical fear mongering and cancer quackery" by an industry that "physically abuses women for profit." He also declared that she is disrespecting her own body by having undergone the procedure.

"Removing an organ that might possibly someday be one of the many locations in which cancer is diagnosed is completely irrational and medically abhorrent. Being an empowered woman means protecting your health, your body and your womanhood by honoring and respecting your body, not maiming it," he wrote.

Of course, Adams used the article to try and sell a "New Cancer Solutions" CD set and plug a "healing summit" that is taking place on Monday. Luckily, Jolie said that she has received immense support from her long-time partner Brad Pitt and numerous celebrities have also tweeted their admiration. In her OpEd piece for The New York Times, Angelina said her odds for breast cancer have been reduced from 85 percent to 7 percent after the procedure.

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