Toronto Mayor Rob Ford Denies Video Showing Him Smoking Crack: Alleged Viewers Claim It Is Indeed Him

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford denied that he was smoking crack in a video that was released by news media.

On Friday, the Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was leaving his home when he denied he was smoking crack in a video that the (Toronto) Star reported was being shopped for $1 million from a group of Somali men whom were allegedly involved in the drug trade.

"It's just ridiculous," Toronto Mayor Rob Ford said as he left his home Friday morning, The Toronto Globe and Mail reported. "It's another Toronto Star..." he said before shutting his car door and driving away, the newspaper noted.

The 43-year-old mayor was in the video, according to two reporters at The Star. They said did not pay any money and did not obtain a copy, but knew for sure it was Ford in the video, smoking crack. The Star said it showed Ford in a well-lit room and apparently was shot during the past winter at a house in Toronto, but they could not verify it for sure.

"It appears to show Ford in a room, sitting in a chair, wearing a white shirt, top buttons open, inhaling from what appears to be a glass crack pipe," The Star reported. "Ford is incoherent, trading jibes with an off-camera speaker."

One person who also claimed to watch the video was John Cook, reporter for Gawker. He said the owners wanted too much money for the video, but he did watch it.

"The man in the video is Rob Ford. It is well-lit, clear," Cook reported after watching the video. "Ford is seated, in a room in a house. In one hand is a clear, glass pipe. The kind with a big globe and two glass cylinders sticking out of it. In the other hand is a lighter. A slurred voice off-camera is ranting about Canadian politics in what sounds like an attempt to goad Ford."

The video itself was by someone who allegedly supplied the cocaine to the Toronto mayor.

"Throughout the video Ford's eyes are half-closed. He lolls back in his chair, sometimes waving his arms around erratically. He raises a lighter in his hand at several points and moves it in a circle motion beneath the glass bowl of the pipe, then inhales deeply," according to the Star.

Before the video ends, Ford allegedly looks up at the camera and said "that better not be on."

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