Zach Galifianakis Quits Drinking Alcohol Tells Conan O'Brien 'Two 6'6" Guys Spit In My Face' [Video]

Zach Galifianakis quits drinking booze and tells Conan O'Brien the reason why includes being spit in the face by two 6'6" guys, a Jaguar and a terrible beer bottle throw.

Zach Galifianakis quit drinking because he wanted to lose "Around 2 ounces," of weight ge tells the TBS late night talk show host, O'Brien. No Zach Falifianakis, the star of the Hangover movie franchise is doing press for the last film, Hangover 3, and he revealed some interesting facts about life with Zach Galifiankais, including his predelection for "vodka and sausage."

Zach Galifianakis quits drinking because "One night, I was out walking" (pause) "That's it, that's why I quit drinking." The comedian and now-movie star, was just joking, though and then Zach Galifianakis

Zach Galifianakis quits drinking because of a myriad of incidents, but the one he detailed to Conan O'Brien earlier this week might have something to do with hit. Zach Galifianakis quit drinking after he was walking downtown in Manhattan and

"I was walking through New York and I was talking towards one of the bridges to walk home. And I was in the lower east side, and I had gotten into the whiskey and I was listening to my head phones and this guy who got into his jag--Jaguar? He cut me off. This is a Jag and some fancy asshole is in there, and so as he cut me off, I hit the car as hard as I can, just BAM."

Why Zach Galifinakis quit drinking is still coming, but cutting back certainly had something to do with the reaction to the Jag's presence during his leisurely and whiskey-fueled stroll down the street.

The Zach Galifianakis quits drinking story continues:

"A tap on my soulder about 20 seconds later [after he slapped the Jag], and i turn around it was 6'6" guys, 12 by 12. They were huge--anyway, they were two huge 6'6" guys and I turn arond as I take my head phones off and they both--at the same time--spit on my face. [...] I don't know if you've ever been spit on your face nonsexually...[Laughter] All I remember is being so stunned and they walked away, I didn't even say anything because I didn't know what to say. And I remember reaching into a trash can and grabbing a beer bottle and saying to myself out loud 'Nobody spits Zach Falifianakis' face and I threw the beer bottle at the car.

And I missed and that's my story."

Watch Zach Galifianakis tell Conan O'Brien why he quit drinking:

Watch Zach Gaifianakis tell Conan O'Brien about The Hangover 3

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