Chaz Bono 65 lbs Sexier – How He Successfully Did It?

Chaz Bono 65 lbs a lot leaner as of today is very happy and satisfied with what he has accomplished so far to reduce weight and have a healthier body. And yes, Chaz Bono 65 lbs sexier already totally likes what he is seeing in the mirror.

So, how did Chaz Bono 6 lbs amazingly slimmer really managed to lose weight as impressive as that within just a few months? Well, one of the secrets he revealed about how he was able to do is has something to do with his diet.

 Nowadays, Chaz Bono is constantly practicing healthy eating style. His past eating habit was changed entirely and it effectively helped him lose a lot of weight. Today, he does not feel anymore cravings for certain food he liked to eat before. He is satisfied also with what he eats and the way he eat. He actually mentioned that this comfort and satisfaction he is getting from his eating lifestyle now is a kind of a miracle for him. It has never occurred to him that he will be the kind of person he is now in terms of his eating behavior. And he proudly stated that for the rest of his life, he will be eating the way he is currently eating now.

Besides having strict diet, Chaz Bono said that he is also busy doing plenty of exercises and physical activities to help him lose weight. And right now, the discomfort he feels when doing exercises is not as severe as before.

Aside from seeing the physical changes on Chaz Bono after losing an incredible amount of weight, his confidence is also exuding from the inside out, as he reveals to the media the nitty-gritty of the transformation he had experienced on losing weight. Also, when it comes to matters of the heart, he says that he is presently having dates with someone.

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