Ariel Winter Publicly Bashes Mother; 'Modern Family' Star Has Been At War With Mother Since Last Year

The war between Modern Family star Ariel Winter and her mother Chrystal Workman continues to wage on. The teenager Winter recently gave an interview in which she made it clear that she wants nothing to do with Workman ever again. Winter previously got a judge to strip Workman of custody last year, claiming that she suffered emotional abuse from her mother both privately and on the set of Modern Family. Winter continued to bash her mother in an article on

"My sister is the most amazing woman I've ever met in my life. If I could be half the woman she is ... she's kind of who I want to be like," said Winter in the thinly-veiled barb.

On Mother's Day, Winter also made headlines by Instagramming, "Happy Mother's Day to my amazing mister, Shanelle Gray. I know everyone is going to ask what a mister is, so I'll explain. It means mom/sister to me. She's my best friend ... She's also the most incredible mother. I am so blessed and lucky to have her."

Last November, Winter was removed from her home by Child Services amidst abuse allegations. According to court documents, Ariel accused her mother of "ongoing physical abuse (slapping, hitting, pushing) and emotional abuse," such as name-calling and insults about her weight.

However, Workman continues to deny all the allegations against her and blames Winter's relationship with an 18-year-old man as the reasons for the accusations.

Chris released a statement to Celebuzz, saying that she "caught them engaging in behavior that I feel my daughter is too young mentally and physically to understand. I put a stop to it immediately. I filed charges against him because legally he is an adult and if he wants to engage in adult behavior with a minor than he should also be ready to suffer adult consequences for his actions and poor judgment."

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