Arrested Development Airs 15 New Episodes Sunday On Netflix; Making New Shows And Not Movies Is New Trend; Genius Move For Netflix[VIDEO]

Arrested Development airs it's fourth season On Netflix on Sunday. 7 years after the show was cancelled in its third season, 15 new Arrested Development episodes can be streamed on Netflix; and all at once! This is considered a genius move for Arrested Development and the Netflix brand.

The Bluths and the Banana Stand are Back! Arrested Development made its debut on Fox in 2003 and ran for three seasons before being sadly dumped in 2006. Arguably the funniest show on TV at the time, the show got the sack for poor ratings. But the few people that did watch it, and the Netflix streamers that have caught up on Arrested Development are all cult followers. LA and New York have set up frozen banana stands in honor of the new episodes.

The final countdown has begun.  Only six more days until the new season airs. In the past few weeks an aggressive publicity campaign has drawn thousands to Bluth's banana stands and other promotional events. The Paley Center in Manhattan will host an "Arrested Development" screening marathon and costume contest on Saturday.

When Jason Bateman was asked why the show was so beloved he answered:

"I don't think we're doing anything incredibly groundbreaking. Having said that, Mitch Hurwitz has a very, very specific sense of humor that is right up my alley and up a few other people's, too. Hopefully that's enough to give Netflix some satisfying results because I think we'd all love to do some more of them."

The new season finds Michael Bluth, played by Jason Bateman, somewhat degraded but still at the heart of things. While each of the 15 episodes will focus on a specific character, Michael will again link the story lines and serve as a "sort of tour guide" for the proceedings.

Many hit shows make movies after their TV show has run its course. The Dukes of Hazard, The A team, Charlie's Angels, Sex and the City, Star Trek, Beavis And Butthead, and The Addams Family are just a few hit shows that years after their endings went on to become films. 

After that, the new trend was then making old TV Shows into new TV series but witha  different cast. 90210, Melrose Place, Dallas, and Miami Vice were just a few examples.  Most of these flopped forcing networks to try out the new tecnique; sticking with the same cast, just years later.

Arrested Development and Keither Sutherland's 24 are the first shows to try this strategy so nobody is sure the turnout quite yet, but expectations are high.  Think about it; for both FOX shows its not enough years later to lose their core audience. Seven years is the right amount of time to generate a huge hype to their fans, and not too much time has passed to forget about all the beloved characters.

Forbes believes that the idea of putting new episodes of Arrested Development on Netflix is genius.

Analyst Richard Greenfield spoke to 427  of those patient fans over two days in New York to get their thoughts on NetflixHe found that 86% of the people in line were already Netflix subscribers and the majority were under the age of 35. Most of those who weren't already subscribers said they would likely sign up in order to watch Arrested Development.

The intense excitement around Arrested Development will do an enormous amount of good for Netflix's brand.

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