Moore, Oklahoma Tornados: Woman Finds Missing Dog While On TV, Rescues Live From Rubble In Touching Video [WATCH HERE]

A Moore, Oklahoma woman found her dog buried in tornado rubble. The woman, Barbara Garcia, of Moore, OK, found her dog buried in rubble after her home was smashed in a tornado in Oklahoma. CBS news crews caught the moment the little dog crawled out of the wreckage on their cameras in a touching video. [WATCH BELOW]

Garcia was talking to news crews next to the wreckage of her home. She was telling the crews how afraid she was that her beloved dog was killed.

"I was sitting on my stool holding my dog," she said. "This was the game plan all through the years to go in that little bathroom. I never lost consciousness and I hollered for my little dog and he didn't answer or didn't come."

The elderly Garcia was standing next to the wreckage of her home due to the tornados that have razed Moore, OK. A member of the camera crew saw the dog coming out of the rubble and started yelling "the dog, the dog!". The little puppy poked his head out and, with the help of crew, crawled out from beneath the pile of concrete as Garcia started crying from joy.

The dog, which looked like a miniature schnauzer, seemed uninjured.

Ms. Garcia declared that God had answered her prayers

Garcia told crews, 'Help me! Oh bless your little bitty heart.

'Well I thought God just answered one prayer to let me be OK but he answered both of them because that was my second prayer.'

At least 24 people have been killed in the tornados that have razed Moore and touched down throughout Oklahoma, including seven children.

Watch this touching moment of brightness in the Oklahoma tornado as the little dog comes out from beneath the rubble in the video below.

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