'Drug Addled' Lindsay Lohan May 'Bolt Rehab'; Hasn't Brushed Hair In Days After Being Sued For $5 Million Over 'Drug Addled' Image

Lindsay Lohan is falling apart in rehab and may leave the Betty Ford Center, friends say.

Lohan has not brushed her hair for days and is being sued for $5 million by the clothing manufacturer, DNAM, who alleges her leggings aren't selling because of her "drug-addled" image.

Lindsay Lohan is under the care of Betty Ford workers after she was ordered by a California court to stay under the care of rehab professionals for at least 90 days after violating the terms of her probation after her lying-to-cops case involving a car crash in Santa Monica, California last summer.

But the former Parent Trap star, Lohan. is wilting under the rehab stay and her appearance has gotten haggard as she's failed to brush her hair for days on end, a source with knowledge of her condition told Radar Online.

"Lindsay just doesn't want to be there. She was forced to go to Betty Ford by the judge instead of going to jail. The actress looks extremely haggard, her face is bloated, and it doesn't look like she has brushed her hair in days. She looks very disheveled and has absolutely no energy since docs took away the Adderall."

Lindsay Lohan revealed she takes the prescription drug, Adderall, to to combat her ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) condition, telling Piers Morgan at the Daily Mail:

"I have severe ADD. I can't stand still. So I take Adderall for that, it calms me. I know people who take it to stay up, or girls who take it to supposedly stay slim because it kills your appetite. But I eat all the time. I just take it to stay calm. It works well for me."

But as we told you earlier this month, Adderall isn't allowed at the Betty Ford Center, and Lohan's continued to pout and put up a fuss. Friends are worried the starlet will "bolt" rehab because it's depressing her so much.

An insider at Betty Ford told Radar that until Lindsay Lohan "surrenders to the recovery process, she will never have a shot of sobriety. To Lindsay, rehab is just a revolving door, and she is just going through the motions, pro forma."

But a recent $5 million lawsuit filed against the starlet by clothing manufacturer, DNAM, is alleging they can't sell her leggings because of the actress' "drug addled image," and if she leaves rehab early that will merely play into their case.

With Lindsay Lohan not brushing her hair for days on end, the need for Adderall, and general "haggard" appearance, if Lohan bolts the Betty Ford Clinic, the DNAM lawsuit will look prescient as she continues to destroy any credibility she had left as the public face of a clothing line, or a movie for that matter.

The Lindsay Lohan spiral after early Hollywood fame just keeps getting wors,e and if she leaves rehab earlier than she's supposed to, things will only continue to sour as she'll most likely have a warrant put out for her arrest.

She might even have to consider using E-Harmony to ever get a date again:

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