Heroic Dallas Firefighter Dies In Condo Blaze; "He's A Hero" Says Dallas Mayor

A 28-year veteran of the Dallas Fire Department died tragically in a fire inside a burning condominium in northeast Dallas, early Monday morning as he was trying to save lives of the residents there.

Stanley Wilson, 51-years old and a firefighter since he was 23, was among 150 Dallas firefighters who responded to the six-alarm conflagration about 3 AM on Monday at a three-story apartment complex, reported the Dallas Morning News.

Wilson, 51-years old, was inside the burning building when he sent out his last radio transmission to his colleagues at about 5 a.m. Wilson said that he was trapped and that he wasn't sure where he was. Crews had not been able to reach Wilson by radio since that message. Efforts to free him were not successful.

At about 9:15 a.m., Wilson was found. He was removed from the rubble, covered in an American flag and carried to an ambulance as dozens of firefighters and onlookers flanked either side, removed their helmets and saluted the procession.

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said Wilson was a hero who laid down his life for citizens.

"He's a hero," said Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings. "As I told his boys, they should be very proud."

As reported by the Dallas Morning-News, when firefighters arrived shortly before 3 a.m., smoke was seen billowing through the roof of the complex, officials said. Dallas Fire-Rescue's Jason Evans said firefighters initially started to attack the fire offensively, but moved to a defensive posture because it was accelerating.

Dallas Fire-Rescue spokesman Jason Evans says two other firefighters were taken to a hospital with injuries that were not believed to be life-threatening.

Two residents were treated for minor smoke inhalation while five were rescued out of the building. 

Most of the fire was out by dawn as firefighters searched the smoldering debris for further victims, according to the Dallas News. 

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