Lindsay Lohan's Getting Sued: Druggy Rep Hurts Her... Again. Hello, Vicious Cycle!

Lindsay Lohan's druggy rep is costing her money she doesn't a lawsuit. Because LiLo needs more legal trouble.

Lindsay Lohan has just been sued for $5 million by a clothing company, D.N.A.M. Apparel Industries. Lindsay sued them first, actually; theirs is a countersuit. Someone's hurting for cash. She also recently asked for money from various celeb friends including Charlie Sheen to pay for rehab and back taxes. Not creepy at all. Nope.

Maybe Lindsay's broke because, well, her rep is damaged due to the drugs... which also cost her the cash she's trying to recoup. It's a vicious cycle of addiction that's hard to watch but, well, kinda unsurprising at this point.

Lindsay claimed in her original lawsuit that D.N.A.M., the clothing manufacturer, reneged on a business deal. Back in 2009, when LiLo still had a nasal septum that hadn't been worn away, Lindsay signed a contract with D.N.A.M. Industries, having them manufacture clothes for her "6126" clothing line. Allegedly,  D.N.A.M. cheated Lindsay and business partner Kristy Kaylor out of a huge licensing fee. Lindsay is asking for $1.1 million in damages from the fees D.N.A.M. took.

Now, however, D.N.A.M is saying the deal went South because of Lindsay's druggy rep and rehab stints, and they're suing her for almost five times that amount. They say the deal's failure is her fault, not theirs.

But D.N.A.M. is now coming back at Lindsay for nearly five times that amount, insisting she's the reason their business deal fell apart. D.N.A.M. says that because Lindsay's such a mess, they couldn't sell the clothes from the get-go.

Nobody wanted to touch the brand, D.N.A.M. claims - they say they tried to sell Lindsay's 6126 line to high-end retailers and third party brands - but nobody wanted to touch it with a ten foot pole because, by spring 2010, Lindsay was back in rehab. (Where is she now? Oh, right, rehab).

Lindsay's attorney, Perry C. Wander, begs to differ. He says her addiction and efforts to get better in rehab aren't her fault, and that they shouldn't fault her for her behavior.

"The license agreement does not have a morals clause that allows the company to suspend payment for any behavior.  The contract is not in LL's name thus she cannot be held personally liable. The cross claim is therefore frivolous and totally without merit and will be defended vigorously."

Lindsay's partner, Kristi Kaylor, agreed with her attourney.

"The D.N.A.M. countersuit against 6126 is frivolous and misrepresents the facts," Kaylor tells E! News in a statement. "D.N.A.M. knows that it is in breach of the 6126 licensee agreement, and this suit is clearly nothing more than a transparent defense maneuver. Lindsay and I worked for over three years to build the 6126 brand and ensure its success; D.N.A.M. is merely trying to get out of honoring its financial obligations."

Still, D.N.A.M. says it invested millions in 6126 for nothing, so it wants $5 million for breach of contract and fraud due to her bad rep, making the clothes "unsellable" due to her "drug-addled image".

Lindsay's run-ins with the law were singing their siren songs in the media "like a Greek tragedy," they say. Where is LiLo now? Oh, right, in legal trouble again and in rehab. Oops. 

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