Presidential Jet $15M: Malawi President Banda Sells Jet, Says Is “Wasteful”, Promises Economic Recovery In Austerity Measures

A presidential jet has been sold for $15m in Malawi.  Despite the fact that Malawi relies on donors for 40 percent of its budget, Bingu wa Mutharika bought himself a luxury presidential jet for $22 million several years ago. Western donors and his political opposition were furious at the move.

Malawi President Joyce Banda is making huge changes since her predecessor President Bingu wa Mutharika died. Malawi, on the whole, is seeking to undo the damage its previous President did, like selling the presidential jet for $15m.

Mutharika left the country in shambles economically. He picked a fight with donors who support the country by almost 40%. He also claimed that the jet was fitting to his status and ultimately cheaper than commercial flying.

Britain reduced their aid to Malawi by 4.5m because of the presidential jet purchase. It cost taxpayers about 300,000 a year in maintenance.

New president Joyce Banda has been quoted as saying that the jet is wasteful and she would never fly in it. She is trying to make big changes with austerity measures, a 30% salary cut, and the promised sale of 35 Mercedes Benz cars soon.

Critics said the purchase of the 14-seat plane showed disrespect for the impoverished and starving Malawi citizens Banda was ostensibly there to govern and represent.

Cabinet clerk Ernest Katchetche told press on Wednesday that Malawi has identified a buyer.   Bohnox Enterprise Ltd of the Virgin Islands has been identified the potential highest bidder.  "We have accepted their offer and we are waiting to hear from them." Chintu Phiri, principal secretary in the office of the President and Cabinet, told press.

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