Jailed 'Pussy Riot' Member Goes On Hunger Strike After Russian Court Refuses Parole Appeal [Video]

A jailed "Pussy Riot" punk musician, Maria Alyokhina, is going on a hunger strike after a Russian Court refused to grant her request for a parole appeal, reports RIA Novosti.

The "Pussy Riot" musician, Alyokhina, proclaimed her hunger strike after the hearing's proceedings concluded earlier today.

The court is expected to continue the hearings into tomorrow.

The jailed "Pussy Riot" member, Maria Alyokhina, said "Let the troika sitting here-the judge, the prosecutor, and the colony employee-decide my fate."

Alyokhina was sentenced to two years in prison last year after "Pussy Riot," a feminist punk band from Russia, performed an anti-Putin song at a February concert on the soleas of Moscow's Cathederal of Christ the Savior.

The "Pussy Riot" member was arrested with her two other bandmates, Nadezhda Tolokonnikova and Yekaterina Samutsevich, after their performance.

Two other members escaped after the February show, and left the country fearing the Russia prosecution that ensnared the other three "Pussy Riot" group members.

During the Pussy Riot trial, many from the West, including Madonna, Sting and Yoko Ono, petitioned to have the women freed, citing artistic freedom.

The "Pussy Riot" punk band became a symbol for Amnesty International and other human rights groups around the world.

But Russia's Putin, who the band directly antagonized, said that "Pussy Riot" "undermined the moral foundations" of Russia, and their imprisonment meant they "got what they asked for."

All three arrested were denied bail before being sentenced to two years for the crime of "hooliganism motivated by religious hatred."

After the sentencing, one jailed Pussy Riot member, Samutsevich, was freed on probation with her sentence suspended after an appeal hearing.

It's the same appeal hearing jailed "Pussy Riot" punker, Maria Alyokhina, feels she deserves.

That's the reason behind why the jailed "Pussy Riot" member is declaring a hunger strike.

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