Helen Mirren Dying Boy:Actress from RED 2 Granted Wish of Dying Kid to Have Tea with Queen Elizabeth

Helen Mirren granted dying boy's wish of meeting Queen Elizabeth.

Helen Mirren, the actress from the RED 2 movie dressed and acted like Queen Elizabeth to have tea with a terminally ill boy, Oliver Burton. The 10-year old boy who also had Down's syndrome was initially diagnosed with leukemia in 2006 when he was only 3 years old. His cancer returned in 2010 after he had a short remission. Last Christmas, he was further diagnosed with terminal spine and bone marrow cancer.

And one of the top wishes he has on his dreams list is to meet the Queen and have tea with her at the Buckingham Palace. But sadly, the schedule of the Queen would not allow for it, as Oliver's family was told.

So here comes Dame Hellen Mirren to the rescue as she grants the wish of a dying boy. She is playing as the Queen in the show titled 'The Audience.' Mirren fulfilled Oliver Burton's wish just last week when she brought the child to see the show. Hellen Mirren took him later to the backstage area for tea.  She stayed in character the entire moment as knighted the child and explained to him that he will now be called as Sir Oliver.

Dame Hellen Mirren who fulfilled dying boy' innocent wish told The Sun, "It was a pleasure and a privilege to meet such a brave young man."

Oliver's father ascertains that he is more than satisfied with the royal treatment Helen Mirren had given to his son, saying, Oliver thought she was the real Queen, and well, that's good enough for us." Helen Mirren as she fulfils dying boy's wish just certified that she is not just the coolest 'retired and extremely dangerous' star but a royally awesome queen as well. 

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