Wonder Boyz Say It Is 'Tarzan' Not 'Ta-jan'

Wonder Boyz came back with their new single, "Tarzan," in May 15. Showcasing the masculinity of the members, the song is about heartbroken men who have lost their 'Jane.'

"Our debut song 'Open the Door' portrayed us as bad boys, so this time around we wanted to be seen as tough, manly men. We wanted to show all sides of us and for that reason we will continue to challenge ourselves. We have about 3500 things left to show," commented Bak Chigi.

"The initial recording was done by a British person. He pronounced Ta-jan, the Korean pronunciation, as Tar-Zan. It felt awkward to hear at first, but after trying Ta-jan a few times during the recording session we decided to go with Tar-Zan. It had more of a catchy feel to it the way it sounded," Kay said.

Wonder boyz, who debuted last year, took a 6-month break unlike the recent trend of rookie artists who continue album activities lest they be forgotten. But they took their time to come up with a big punch. The product is "Tarzan."

The performance is extremely difficult. After the first go, we had to spray all over our bodies. But after six months of it, we can do the entire thing five times straight. There is a king kong move where I pound on my chest and I almost fainted one time because I hit myself so hard," Young Boy said.

Lastly, Master One commented, "Since we are now manly men, we hope to gain more female fans. We put our hearts and souls into this, so please listen to our songs. There are other great songs in addition to 'Tarzan.' You will not regret it! For real!"

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