Jose Canseco Tweets Rape Charge Then Deletes Tweets Before Saying 'I Do Not Delete Tweets'

Jose Canseco tweets rape charge, but there's no evidence of the tweet on his timeline.

He then goes on to tweet "I do not delete tweets," proving that Jose Canseco is either delusional or a liar.

Jose Canseco is probably a liar or someone is impersonating him on his Twitter account.

After shaming a fitness model in Las Vegas for accusing him of rape, Canseco tweets out her by name, phone number, work address and even a photo of the woman.

He then deletes the incriminating "slut-shaming" tweets, possibly because they infringe on the police investigation into the accusations.

Or Jose Canseco is just a liar since all the screnshots of the tweets you see above have been deleted from Jose Canseco's Twitter acount. 

If he's not a liar, then why is Canseco lying?

The Las Vegas police released a statement about the whole ordeal yesterday:

"The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department is currently investigating a Sexual Assault case. Jose Conseco [sic] has been named as the suspect in this investigation. At this time no charges have been filed and our investigation remains ongoing. Per department policy neither victim information or investigation details are available for release."

There are still some tweets about Canseco's rape accuser up on his timeline, but he's since moved on from the righteous indignation of yesterday to talk about semi-pro baseball.

Jose did keep some overt references to his rape accuser up on his timeline though, including one where he mentions her by name.

The rest of the Canseco tweets about the rape charge have gone somewhere even as Canseco claims "I have nothing to hide."

Except when he does. Except when Jose Canseco deletes tweets. His accuser hasn't said a thing, and he's already attacked her.

He's not winning the public relations battle, that's for sure.

No way Jose.

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