Karma's A Bitch! Jesse James Chops Off His Pinky In Shop Accident And Posts Photos; Perpetual Cheater To Sandra Bullock Gets His Own Misfortune! [PHOTOS AND VIDEO]

Jesse James chops off his pinky in a shop accident in his Austin, Tex. garage. The motorcycle customizer  cut off the top of his right pinky and shares the gruesome photos online. The admitted perpetual cheater, most know for continually cheating on Bullock, finally got a little karma of his own losing a finger

Jesse James, the once most hated man in Hollywood chops off his finger in a shop accident. He explained, "my glove got caught into one of machines and took the finger off." "My wife [Alexis DeJoria] and I were looking around the floor for the piece of finger so we could put it on ice and haul a-- to the hospital."

James, 44, posted several grisly photos of his hand injury, including one that showed the bloodied stump of his pinky below the greyish severed joint.

"Doesn't look like this little dude's gonna make it," James captioned the photo. "Nice know'n you little buddy.

"They're going to take a skin graft of the chunk of finger and then sew it back on," James told TMZ. "I asked them if they could sew my fingerprint on upside down, though, just for fun."

In 2010, Jesse James was the most hated man in Hollywood. James went from being Sandra Bullock's husband to the subject of a shocking celebrity scandal when it was revealed he was cheating on the Oscar-winning actress. And the infidelity wasn't just a one-time mistake.

Numerous women, including Michelle "Bombshell" McGee, came forward claiming to have been with James. The story dominated tabloid headlines for months, and continued to grow as more women came forward alleging affairs. Almost immediately, James became one of the most-hated figures in pop culture, while Bullock remained America's sweetheart.

"It's because of my poor judgment that I deserve everything bad that is coming my way," he said in a statement back in 2010. Maybe Karma has finally caught up with the two-faced cheat by taking away one of his 10 digits.

He was engaged to "LA Ink" star Kat Von D in early 2011, but the couple called it quits for good in September, with Von D claiming James cheated on her with 19 women.

"I cheated on my wife but so do a lot of other people," Jesse said with little emotion.

Women around the world are glad that Jesse finally got what he ad coming to him.  Though I'm sure Sandra Bullock and Kat Von D wish it was another, more private, limb that was chopped off.

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