Donald Rumsfeld Avoids Taking A Stand On Gay Marriage, Larry King Asks Why He's Abandoning Activist Past

After yesterday's interview with Larry King, Donald Rumsfeld ruffled a few feathers on the gay marriage issue after refusing to take a stance one way or the other.

When King asked whether Rumsfeld supported same-sex marriage, Rumsfeld fumbled to avoid the question.

"You know, I guess I'm of a generation that I don't...I listened to some of the Supreme Court justices and one of them said, 'Well, what's next after that? Is it two people, three people?"

King then cut off the politician to remind him of his activist past.

"But you're a strong supporter of civil rights in Congress. I remember that," said the host.

"I guess I just don't equate the two," returned Rumsfeld.

"I guess the Rumsfeld rule here is: I don't know."

The lack of conviction on the matter has resulted on most viewers taking the conversation as against gay marriage.

"Rumsfeld doesn't get it-it's a problem of ignorance. He doesn't know that this is a big deal for gay people," said Youtube user Beau Sigelaub.

"Surely he's known gay people his whole life but didn't know they were actually gay. If he knew how badly gay people have been treated, he would probably think differently about limiting such an intrinsic liberty for them. Marriage is a major life event and gay people have missed out on it until recently."

Despite such accusations, Rumsfeld supported the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell, in accordance to his ABC News Radio interview.

"The time has come. We've seen [gay rights] evolve in our country."

As such, deciphering his true stance may not be so easy when his activist past is seemingly a thing of the past.

Check out the Larry King interview below:

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