Reema 'Nicki' Bajaj Photos: Convicted Prostitute Lawyer Suing Former Attorney For Leaking Nude Photos

Former attorney, Reema Bajaj, made news last year when she was convicted of performing a sex act for either $50 or $100. 

Now she's suing her former attorney who she says showed naked photos of her around the court house which destroyed her credibility with clients, other attorneys and judges. 

The 27-year-old attorney, Reema "Nicki" Bajaj was never stripped of her ability to practice law even after pleading guilty to one misdemeanor count of prostitution in June 2012.

"Nicki" kept her Illinois law license, but because of all the media scrutiny about the buxom attorney and the guilty plea to prostitution, she had trouble attracting clients.

Earlier in May, she dissolved her law practice, and now she's out for revenge.

On Monday, she sued her former attorney and the state prosecutor for the damage they did to her career. 

The DeKalb Daily Chronicle reports: 

"The lawsuit, filed Monday in DeKalb County court by Reema "Nicki" Bajaj, 27, alleges that Campbell and local lawyer Timothy W. Johnson, who was acting as her defense attorney, showed nude photographs of her to other lawyers at the DeKalb County Courthouse in June 2011. The complaint also identified an unnamed "John Doe" lawyer working for the state's attorney's office.

Bajaj is seeking more than $50,000 from Campbell, Johnson, and [John Doe] in the suit for emotional distress and economic damage."

The attorney who plead guilty to prostitution, Reema "Nicki" Bajaj, is going to have to drudge up some old, and harsh moments, from one of the worst periods of her life if she wants to go through with the lawsuit. 

But since she's unable to attract clients--as a lawyer, that is--she is going after the men who were responsible for the lascivious naked photos they had in their possession and which briefly leaked online. 

The court case docket reads Bajaj V. Johnson, which has more than one commentator giggling. 

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