Vin Diesel Talks Steroids, 'Fast & Furious 6', Drugs And Facebook With Jay Leno

Fast and Furious 6 star, Vin Diesel, stopped by "The Tonight Show" last night and spoke on a number of different topics: why Facebook owes him billions, steroid use, Fast and the Furious films and marijuana.

The star's visit to Jay in Burbank coincides with the premier of Fast & Furious 6, which is coming out this weekend.

The burly brute of an actor, was a lot sweeter than anyone normally associates with the strong man Vin Diesel. He brought his kids on, before launching into a litany of seemingly non-sequitur ad hominem tangents that were equal parts hilarious and adorable.

Leno wasn't so bad himself. He applauded the chiseled Diesel on his body in the recent Men's Magazine spread he did in preparation for the Fast and Furious 6 premiere.

Then Leno and Vin Diesel got into the nitty-gritty of the interview.

Diesel admitted that he's smoke a joint or two. He doesn't endorse drug use, but he's smoke a little pot in his day. What Vin Diesel hasn't done is take steroids. The actor was adament about that to the host.

Diesel has combatted steroid rumors for what seems like ages and he finally told Jay he has never used them.

But Vin Diesel did get into his belief that Facebook owes him billions.

Then Jay and Vin Diesel discussed his profoundly juvenile thought that because he was one of the first actors to switch from a MySpace page to Facebook, and because he has millions of followers, Facebook should pay up.

The belief is that he was the primary reason Facebook took off like it did, and he's still one of the only actors around who engaged directly with his fans instead of allowing a publicity or marketing group handle his online interactions.

But it was pretty obvious the brutish and brooding actor was only really joking about the Facebook issues.

Check out Vin Diesel, Dwyane "The Rock" Johnson, Gina Carano, Paul Walker and Michelle Rodriguez in the new Fast and Furious 6 this weekend at a theater near you!

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