Obama Calls Girl From Prom Night “Sweet And Foxy” In Note And Photos From 1979

Time magazine published a note and photos from President Barack Obama's high school senior prom in 1979.

A 17-year-old Obama is wearing a white blazer, blue tie, and black pants with big curly hair and a lei around his neck. He has his arm around his date, Megan Hughes, and is photographed with his friends Greg Orme and Kelli Allman.

Ironically, it is not Hughes, Obama's prom date that night, but Allman who he calls "foxy" in her yearbook at the end of the year: "You are extremely sweet and foxy, I don't know why Greg would want to spend any time with me at all! You really deserve better than clowns like us; you even laugh at my jokes!"

Allman, who gave the photos to Time, raves about Obama and prom night at the Punahou School in Honolulu: "It was a really fun, happy time. We were all cracking up, and everyone was smiling," she said.

"[Barack] was very intelligent and witty. He and I really clicked. We had great vibes between us," she added. Allman said Obama didn't date much in high school.

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