Rapper Tim Dog Fakes His Own Death To Get Out Of Paying Bills! Warrant for HIs Arrest ANd It Is Highly Anticipated That The Flashy Rapper Will Be Found[VIDEO]

Rapper Tim Dog has reportedly faked his own death to get out of paying Esther Pilgrim $32,000.  The rapper reportedly died in February from diabetes complications but now there is evidence supporting Tim Dog faked his own death. A warrant is issued for the rapper's arrest. It is highly anticipated that he will be caught. 

Besides The $32,000 the rapper owes to Pilgrim, Tim Dog owes an estimated $2 million dollars to people around the world in his scams. Most victims are women he met on online dating sites convincing them that they were investing in an album that he had no intention of making. To avoid paying, the rapper has faked his own death.

Prosecutor Steven Jubera has obtained an arrest warrant for Tim Dog because he hasn't seen proof that the rapper actually died. "I need proof," Jubera says.  "I need a death certificate showing that he's dead, because as far as I'm concerned, he's alive."

So far there has been no proof of Tim Dog's actual death beyond vague details in various publications' articles. The original story by The Source reporting the rapper's death has since been deleted.

"Nobody said where he died, nobody said where he was buried, which is very odd for an obituary," Jubera says. One of Tim Dog's hip hop colleagues Ced Gee says that he doesn't think a funeral ever took place.

If the "F*** Compton" singer is in fact alive and found by investigators, the rapper is facing some serious jail time.

If he is alive it is highly likely that he will be found, and soon. Faking your own death means having to be discreet, something rappers are not known for being good at.  Tim Dog's flashy lifestyle is the exact oppostive of what he must become if he wants to get away with his crimes.

He may be intelligent and strategic but his showy, social side will eventually come out.  With rappers who crave the limelight, it always does.

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