Kendall Jenner's Not All Francis Bean Cobain Is Candidly Tweeting About: Cobain's Daughter Addresses Mental Illness, Drugs On Twitter

Kendall Jenner was recently blasted by Frances Bean Cobain on Twitter. Bean, 20, saw a Tweet by Jenner that said "Just wish things could be easier sometimes mann."

Frances Bean Cobain, the daughter of Courtney Love and Kurt Cobain, slammed Jenner, lighting into her with the characteristic family ability to school someone verbally. Hard. And with, well, the Cobain-Love family's total inability to mince words, much less stay silent.


Jenner, 17, is a model, reality star, and scion of the Kardashian royal family - a dubious claim to fame, but a pedigree in itself, unfortunately. And undoubtedly difficult sometimes.

And, actually, criticizing Jenner is not the only interesting thing Frances Bean has been doing on Twitter lately. Her profile gives an intimate glimpse into the mind of a young star who was born saddled with an unwieldy burden simply due to her parents, but who has managed to fly mostly under the radar and emerge a pretty interesting adult - and an opinionated artist - in her own right.

Right bang at the top of her Twitter profile, it says "thank God for mental illness". So, there's that. She's also a "Mad Witch In Training," apparently.

The notion that pain makes a person more interesting is one that Courtney and Kurt seem to have passed on to Francis. The idea, while harshly criticized, was kind of true for both her mom and dad - but mental illness and drug abuse also probably gave them both more problems than it did subject matter or publicity. While talking about Dexter's season 8, Frances Bean Tweeted "Deb develops a drug abuse problem. Maybe she'll stop being so whiny now." Hmmm....

She talked about her parents a bit, actually - she recently made the pointed comment, "I'd like to thank my parents for providing me with a high IQ & I'd like to thank my grams for encouraging me not to be a self absorbed idiot."

So, unsurprisingly, Courtney Love didn't discourage self absorption. On Mother's Day, Frances Bean wished her mom an, um, "happy" Mother's Day by tweeting "no more wire hangers". Gulp. There's often been no love lost between the two, obviously-Frances tried to get Courtney banned from Twitter.

Frances Bean does a lot of talking about her influences and sharing links. She's a big reader, citing David Foster Wallace, Patti Smith, Hunter S. Thompson, and Henry Miller recently. Unsurprisingly, these tastes slant heavily towards live-fast-die-young authors who battled mental illness and drugs.

So, while one can see her parents' influence, Frances Bean has opinions in her own right-and often fairly controversial ideas she's not afraid to share with the world.

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