Preteen Girl Tells McDonald's CEO "Stop Advertising To Me!" 9 Year Old Attends Executive Meeting Saying "Stop Tricking Kids"; New Japan Mega Fries Not Helping CEO's Healthy Menu Argument[VIDEO]

A preteen girl tells McDonald's "Stop advertising to me!" After watching McDonald's advertisements her whole life, the preteen actually goes to a McDonald's executive meeting and tells the CEO that she doesn't want to be targeted anymore by McDonald's. McDonald's CEO's comebacks are comical and untrue with the unveiling of Mega Fries in Japan.

The preteen is tired of McDonald's advertising to kids. 9-year-old Hannah Robertson doesn't want a Happy Meal. She wants a healthy meal. Hannah took her pitch straight to the boss, telling McDonald's CEO Don Thompson during the annual shareholder's meeting that targeting kids with unhealthy food isn't fair. "Stop Tricking Kids!" Hannah says.

"There are things in life that aren't fair, like when your pet dies," Hannah said brightly a recording of the question and answer that was played on Friday's Morning Joe. "Something I don't think is fair is when big companies try to trick kids into eating food that isn't good for them by using toys and cartoon characters."

Hannah's proud mom, Kia, is a kid's nutritional activist.

"Mr. Thompson, don't you want kids to be healthy so they can live a long and healthy life?" Hannah asked.

Thompson responded: "We don't serve junk food," referencing the chain's healthier options, like apple slices in kids meals, fat-free chocolate milk, and side salads on the Dollar Menu. "We sell a lot of fruits and veggies and we're trying to sell more."

Thompson added that his kids eat McDonald's, too, but that he also cooks at home, making sure to include fruits and vegetables.

But the new the 1,140 calorie fries dish at Japan McDonald's is targeted exactly to Japanese kids and teens. The most caloric item ever at McDonald's will been added to Japan's menu on friday, totally negating Mr. Thompson's comeback to Hannah's concerns.

If the fries are a big hit in Japan it is highly likely that they will be added to the domestic menu.

McDonald's box of mega fries is not only double the size of a normal large order of fries at the restaurant, but it contains more than half the recommended daily amount of calories. In addition to the 1,140 calories the fries provide, there I also 57 grams of fat and almost 800 milligrams of sodium in the mega fry McDonald's dish.

The dish is almost triple the amount of calories of any of McDonald's fattiest items. A Large French Fries contain 460 calories, a Big Mac 540, and even a double quarter pounder with cheese contains 740 calories. The whopping 1,400 calories box of fries is considered absurd by any standards.

The mega fries craze is contradictory to McDonald's CEO Thompson's comments that the new chain is trying to keep it light and go healthier. Recently advertising salads and lighter chicken wraps, the new fries seem inconsistent with McDonald's new image. Are they just promos to make you think you're eating healthy when you walk in the door and then sneakily entice its consumers with 1,400 calorie snacks?

Go Hannah for your amazing comments and bravery to go up against arguably the most powerful CEO in the world! Change is possible and it starts with the next generation speaking up for what is true.  More children need to fight for their health against these money hungry monsters.

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