Will Tim Duncan's Divorce Force Him To Give Wife Money From His Recent $36 Million Spurs Contract?

NBA Spurs star Tim Duncan is getting a divorce from his wife, WOAI San Antonio reports. According to SpursNation.com, a divorce case filed in San Antonio with only the initials of the husband and wife was submitted two months ago, and may be attributed to Tim Duncan and his wife, Amy.

The San Antonio-Express says the style of the case is "A.S.D. vs T.T.D." Duncan's middle name is Theodore.

The documents also show that Duncan has a prenup - important information for an NBA star who just last year signed a 3-year, $36 million deal, according to TMZ. The documents suggest that Duncan will enforce his prenup.

The petition also reveals the couple was wed around July 21, 2001, which is the same day Duncan and his wife were married, Sports World News reports. It also says the couple has two children, S.I.D. and W.W.D, one a daughter born on June 27, 2005 and a son born on August 3, 2007. This coincides with the two children shared by Tim and Amy.

TMZ reports that Amy filed for divorce in March, after 12 years of marriage, because the relationship has become "insupportable because of discord and conflict."

The divorce case is being held in Bexar County District Court. Papers filed last week include a request that the case is not legally handled until after the Spurs' last playoff game.

The Spurs organization says the divorce will have no impact on the team or Duncan's performance in the playoffs.

Duncan, 37, and Amy, 35, met in college at Wake Forest University. Duncan was selected as top pick in the NBA draft in 1997.

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