UFO Over Haunted Historic Barn: Camera Mysteriously Stops Working After Witness Takes Photo Of UFO [VIDEO & PHOTO]

A UFO was spotted over a historic barn in Santee, California. Ellen Henry, witness of the UFO, paused to take a snapshot of the unusual object, only to realize that her camera mysteriously stopped working immediately after she took a photo of the UFO.

Ellen Henry, who is a member of the Santee Historical Society (SHS) in San Diego County, saw the UFO when visiting the Edgemoor Barn, a historical building, earlier this month.

She stated the purpose of her visit by saying, "I was at the Edgemoor property, in the middle of the day, to take pictures of the barn to update the SHS barn logo."

While trying to take pictures of the barn, Henry aimed her camera to the skies and captured several shots.

"I was constantly looking up and around the area, including the sky's background," said Henry, "so I can get it just right, and not at any time did I see anything in the sky or hear a sound of an aircraft."

Afterwards, she looked at the screen on her camera to check for clarity, and noticed a "speck" in the shot. Just then, the camera she used to take the photo mysteriously stopped working.

Later, when she downloaded the photos on her computer, she noticed an unidentifiable object floating in the air in one of her shots. Henry said, "It was clear and certainly not a bug."

Speculations of the UFO being a commercial aircraft that was flying nearby have been disconfirmed, as Janet Kwak said in 10News report, "The barn sits under several flight paths. We called Gillespie Field and MCAS Miramar (Marine Corps Air Station), but neither could offer an explanation."

Henry further denied the possibility of the object being an aircraft. The witness said, "There is no way this was a commercial aircraft. I would have heard it, especially as low as it seemed to be."

"Someone did mention perhaps it was a drone," said Henry. "However, I have not seen any drones that were round or oval, and lacking wings, rudders or propellers -- even the drone that looks like a fly has wings."

See below for Henry's video of the mysterious UFO sighting.

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