Strikingly Similar To Bea Arthur Topless Portrait! Angelina Jolie Topless Double Mastectomy Portrait Expected To Sell To Charity For $22,000 [LOOK-A-LIKE PICTURES AND VIDEO]

The portrait of Angelina Jolie topless portrait featuring her double mastectomy is selling for charity at an expected $22,000.  The Jolie oil portrait, painted by Swedish artist Johan Andersson, is on display in a Los Angeles art gallery. Andersson is known for is portraits of the late Amy Whinehouse. However the Angelina Jole portrait looks strikingly similar to the Bea Arthur topless portrait that recently sold for $1.9 million! The difference; Angelina Jolie's profit will go to charity. 

Less than two weeks after Angelina Jolie announced that she elected to have a double mastectomy to prevent breast cancer, Swedish artist Johan Andersson has unveiled a controversial nude oil portrait of the actress post-double mastectomy surgery.

Proceeds from the sale of the Angelina Jolie topless oil painting will go to Falling Whistles, a charity that campaigns for peace in the Congo, a cause that Angelina cares deeply about.

The Oscar-winning actress underwent the surgery after learning he carried the BRCA1 gene mutation that doctors estimated gave her an 87 per cent chance of developing breast cancer. She took the test due to Angelina's mother, Marcheline Bertrand, who fought a six-year battle against ovarian cancer, which took her life aged 56.

The Andersson portrait of Jolie was far from a joke for the artist.  In fact it hit Johan very close ot home, as his own mother suffered from breast cancer.

"My mother had aggressive breast cancer when I was 15," Andersson said. "The thought of her having to have a mastectomy really scared me and she was fortunate enough to have surgery without the mastectomy."

"The recent news about Angelina stirred an anxiety within me leading me to paint this portrait," Andersson continued. "There is an underlying awkwardness in her demeanor in juxtaposition to the natural beauty of her face."

The portrait of Jolie does seem to look very much like the Bea Arthur topless portrait that was sold for a whopping $1.9 million, a few weeks before Jolie announced her mastectomy.

The "Golden Girls" star's portrait was sold at Christie's Auction from an anonymous buyer. Everyone is wondering who will donate $22,000 for the Jolie portrait. Hey it's for good, right?

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