Andrea Tantaros of Fox News Wants Listeners to "Punch Obama Voters In the Face." Is Conservative Media Going Too Far?

Fox News, the conservative-leaning network, is at it again. Andrea Tantaros, increasingly outraged on her Thursday radio show while discussing the Department of Justice targeting journalists suggested to her listeners they "punch" Obama voters "in the face," according to the Epoch Times.

News broke earlier this week that the Justice Department labeled Fox News reporter James Rosen a "co-conspirator" during a leaks investigation after he published an article on North Korea's nuclear program.

The Justice Department obtained access to Rosen's personal email and phone records for five different phone lines used by Fox News. The bombshell story followed another unprecedented report that the Justice Department secretly obtained months of phone records for seven individual Associated Press journalists across 20 different phone lines during another leak investigation, said Epoch.

"Let me tell you how people and journalists are being treated these days," she said. "They are being stalked. They are being spied on. In Missouri, a news station fired an anchor who talked about the IRS shakedown. Yeah-fired. This is how corrupt the left is."

She added, "This is what's happening to our press. This is Obama's America. It's like the Soviet Union. He said he would change the country. He said it ... and a lot of people voted for him. And if you see any of those people today, do me a favor and punch them in the face."

Fox News chief Roger Ailes sent a memo to Fox News staffers on Thursday tearing into the Obama administration for the Rosen investigation and affirming his support for the network.

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