Oldest Vet At 107 Spends Memorial Day With Whiskey And Cigars In Honor Of His Fellow Fallen Soldiers

The oldest vet at 107 spent Memorial Day weekend with whiskey and some cigars.

Richard Overton is the oldest vet at 107-year-old and still enjoys Memorial Day every year. This year is no different for him, according to Fox News.

The oldest vet at 107 served in the South Pacific from 1942-1945 during World War II. He told a news outlet that he celebrates Memorial Day every year in honor of the fallen men and women of the United States Armed Forces.

"I don't know, some people might do something for me, but I'll be glad just to sit down and rest," World War II veteran Richard Arvine Overton told Fox News from the East Austin, Texas home he built after returning from active duty.

The interviews with the oldest veteran alive has been answering questions as he tours the U.S. talking about what he has been through.

"You got to keep moving. You don't sit down and watch TV all the time. You have to keep moving," Overton told KVUE after being recognized for his service by Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell on May 9.

Two days later he was busy celebrating his birthday and eight days later was being flown to Washington, D.C. for his first time to visit the WWII Memorial thanks to nonprofit Honor Flight, an organization that transports veterans to memorials free of cost, according to the Daily Mail.

As far as Memorial Day weekend goes, he said he will continue to celebrate.

"I may drink a little in the evening too with some soda water, but that's it," he added. "Whiskey's a good medicine. It keeps your muscles tender."

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