Amanda Bynes May Actually Have A Solid Lawsuit on NYPD! Twitter Rant "I'm Suing Everybody!" Over Arrest; Tweets Plans To Sue NYPD Cops And Apartment Complex [VIDEO]

Amanda Bynes newest twitter rant includes saying she's going to sue everybody. Yes, sue everybody! After the highly publicized arrest Thursday for drug paraphernalia in her apartment, Amanda Bynes is threatening lawsuits and tweets her plans to sue the NYPD cops that arrested her and her own Manhattan apartment complex. Could Amanda Bynes twitter rant be legit? Could she actually have a solid lawsuit?

The cops were apparently worried about Amanda Bynes mental health and brought her to a mental hospital before bringing her to the station for booking. The actress said that she was "so offended" by the mental hospital visit and was filing a lawsuit against the NYPD.

The extremely troubled star is suing the NYPD on the following charges:

-- "Illegally entering my apartment"

-- "Lying about drugs on me"

-- "Lying about me tampering with non existent drug paraphernalia"

-- "Being put into a mental hospital against my will"

-- "Then locked up overnight for coming home after a facial and working out with my trainer like the good girl that I am."

-- "Being sexually assaulted by a cop"

Amanda Bynes twitter rant begins with:

"To say I wasn't offended being treated like a mental insane person/criminal on the night the cops illegally entered my apartment, found nothing, sexually assaulted me, then arrested me taking me to a mental hospital, then locking me up all night for no wrong doing us criminal on THEIR part. My lawyer and I are taking this mistake extremely seriously! You cannot illegally enter my apartment then take me to mental hospital without any grounds. I have never been so offended in my life. They found nothing criminal on me or around me, one cop then sexually assaulted me, so I'm suing for all of the above! I'll be happy when I get money compensation from the cop who assaulted me and NYPD for wrongfully arresting me and having me put into a mental hospital and jail overnight! I don't want to keep talking about it. My lawyer is taking care of it for me."

"The judge saw that there was no drugs on me or proof of any type of bong or mental illness. I was so offended to even be taken to a mental hospital and they would not let me call my lawyer until the next day after being in jail all night, then I went to court and was immediately released because the judge saw that I was wrongly arrested."

She concluded by saying, "I'm free forever! You can't lock up an innocent person! Thanks for caring! Look forward to seeing me in music videos! I'm getting in shape and getting a nose job! I'm looking forward to a long and wonderful career as a singer/rapper!"

As for her apartment complex she is taking legal action on them because a doorman falsely claimed he saw the actress smoking a joint in the lobby. Bynes, who claims that she's "allergic to alcohol and drugs" denies that she was smoking anything and is suing the apartment building lying about her and helping the police.

On Saturday Amanda Bynes tweeted:

"Don't believe the reports about me being arrested. It's all lies. I was sexually harassed by one of the cops the night before last which is who then arrested me. He lied and said I threw a bong out the window when I opened the window for fresh air. Hilarious. He slapped my vagina. Sexual harassment. Big deal. I then called the cops on him. He handcuffed me, which I resisted, quite unlike any of the reports stated. Then I was sent to a mental hospital. Offensive. I kept asking for my lawyer but they wouldn't let me. The cops were creepy. The cop sexually harassed me, they found no pot on me or bong outside my window. That's why the judge let me go. Don't believe any reports."

Does Amanda Bynes actually have a solid case? Although she has a rap sheet a mile long including a DUI and driving with a suspended license and getting thrown out of a gym for smoking marijuana, the "What I Like About You" star could actually be onto something with the lawsuit.

So far there is no hard evidence that Amanda had drugs or drug paraphanalia, the whole reason for the arrest. So it is possible for her claims to hold up in court. Suing the NYPD is a very difficult move, but legal action against her apartment complex actually seems justifiable. 

Do you think Amanda has a case and should pursue legal action against the NYPD and her apartment complex?

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