Chris Brown In Hot Water For Fender Bender Lies: Probation Violation, May Face Prison Time

Chris Brown is the subject of an LAPD probe for lies about a car accident this week that may land him in jail . What could have been a simple fender bender if Brown was honest is turning into a mess. The LAPD is investigating the accident as a hit-and-run after Chris Brown refused to give the other driver his driver's license number.

Brown did give the other driver his insurance information...but it was incorrect. As in, totally fake. Uh-oh.

He allegedly also started an argument with the other driver when she asked for his ID and insurance information in the first place, then left abruptly.

Oh, Chris. If you'd just ponied up your information like a normal person, this all could have been so easy.  We're pretty sure you could afford an increased insurance rate.

Because Chris Brown is on probation for the Rihanna beating, this simple fender bender could land him in jail, and it's being classified as a hit-and-run because he lied.

If there is probable cause to believe Chris Brown broke the law by not fully disclosing his info, he could face jail time. That's because Brown is required to obey all laws as a condition of his probation for the Rihanna assault.

And thus, the LAPD is investigating the incident and wants to talk to Brown. He may face up to four years in prison.

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