Hezbollah Gets Nicknamed 'Party Of Satan', Racist Or Military Motivations?

During a Muslim affairs international symposium in Ankara earlier this week, Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Bekir Bozdag proclaimed that Hezbollah should be called the "Party of Satan" for its role in Syrian civilian deaths.

"Those who stand by the Assad regime and kill their own Muslim brothers and indiscriminately kill women and children in the battlefield should not appeal to Islam and the Quran to legitimize their actions," said Bozdag.

According to International Business Times the symposium, "Problems of the Islamic and Solutions," gravitated towards one primary problem which had its roots in Hezbollah: racism.

"Racism is a sickness that threatens Turkey and other countries in the Middle East," continued Bozdag.

"If someone decides to kill a man based on racist feelings, then he rejects the book of God and His orders. Quran and Islam do not absolutely approve of killing of people based on racist feelings."

This came on the heels of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah announcing the group's plan to send fighters into Syria, said the New York Times.

Such a move is deemed to support their core missions of challenging Israel, empowering its Shiite community and protecting Lebanon, but could also hold heavy repercussions should the Syrian intervention fail.

"Where will we go this time?" said Umm Hassan, a Hezbollah supporter recalling the group came under attack from Israel in 2006.

"There is nowhere to hide. Even if we win there, I don't see Syria as a safe place for me as a Shiite. We will be killed, if not by the Israelis, by angry Syrians."

Should Hozballah succeed in the Syrian Army and aiding Syrian Presdient Basha al-Assad to victory, it would gain credibility as a threat to Israel.

In the end, survival and power and seems to be the name of the game, with any racist motivations inscrutable on the surface.

"We will continue this road until the end," said Hezbollah leader Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah. "We will take responsibility and we will make all the sacrifices."

"We will be victorious."

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