Psy, 'Whenever I Am Not Happy, I Watch This'

Psy revealed his secret of getting through a rough day.

On May 28, Psy tweeted, "Whenever I'm not happy, I'm watching this!! PSY Gangnam Style Seoul City Hall Concert," along with a link to the concert clip.

The City Hall concert took place last October when Psy performed in front of 80,000 fans who got to enjoy his spectacular show for free. Kicking off his campaign and album promotion in the United States with an energetic performance in his home country, Psy was literally refueled to do what he does best: go crazy. "Gangnam Style" and the pop star did exactly that as he flew overseas in the following months to create a sensation that has never been done before.

As for why Psy shared his consolation method, we can assume that it stemmed from the booing incident which occurred during a soccer match in Italy last week. While performing "Gangnam Style" at Coppa Italia finals, Psy was met with unexpected, unpleasant round of boos from some of the audience at the game. Naturally, the incident flared up a heated debate on racism and how such hatred ought to be handled.

Lee Seung Chul, a famous Korean artist a few years Psy's senior, tweeted regarding the incident. "Psy was booed in Italy. That's right. I think we've been too crazy over made-in-Italy products. Let's stop traveling to Italy," the furious pop star wrote.

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Gangnam Style
