Courtney Love Tells Amanda Bynes To Pull It Together: You Know There’s A Serious Problem When….

The world is watching Amanda Bynes fall apart. And if we didn't need even more confirmation of the crazy, Courtney Love told her to pull herself together on Twitter.

Oh, Amanda. You know there's a serious problem when Courtney Love thinks she's better off than you. Because really, how many times has Love taken it upon herself to be a paragon of virtue and stability? Um, Court? Pot to kettle. Or maybe further evidence that one (or both) pieces of cookware have really, really gone to pot.

Amanda Bynes has had a crazy week, what with the drug den pics and the arrest and the conservatorship-from-her-parents-rumor and the rehab-rumor and the Rihanna-slam and the "I don't do drugs" and the rapping and the nose job and the sexual harassment charges. If you thought it couldn't get any more bizarre, well, there's this nice little Tweet:

This could be well intentioned, or could be picking on poor 'Mandy, or both. But when the Queen of Cray-Cray thinks you're screwing up? You're probably in a bad way, to say the least. It's concerning, maybe particularly if she tells you so publically, because that is, apparently, how celebs talk to each other (whatever happened to "Have my people call your people?", by the way?).

Francis Bean Cobain tried to have Courtney banned from Twitter-so it's not like we have previous examples of great behavior there. The Soup's Joel McHale retweeted Courtney, calling it his "largest spit-take since 1998." Amanda's response? Calling Courtney ugly. Which, coming from the notoriously self-concious star, is a grave insult indeed.

Fingers crossed that Amanda Bynes gets herself to rehab or on meds or...something. Stat. Because that train keeps wreckin', and tracks end at some point.

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