Spoiled Japanese Teen Racks Up 54K Bar Tab In One Night On Dad's Credit Card! Judge Rules Not Teen's Fault But Bars And Amex Are To Blame

A teen in japan racked up a 54K bar tab on his dad's credit card.  After the 16 year old and his teen buddy had a night out on the town, a judge ruled that the father didn't have to pay most of the teen's 54K bar tab back. This teen's one spoiled little brat!

 The teen and his friend took his father's platinum American Express card around luxury nightspots in Kyoto, purchasing whisky and sparkling wine at up to 380,000 yen ($3,700) per bottle, and being ushered into swanky clubs where patrons are expected to pay for time spent with attractive women, racking up a bar tab of $54K.

The two bratty teen had a night with endless amount of funds to spend with a plastic card with dad's name on it.

Kyoto District Court ruled last week that bar owners and the credit card company bore the majority of responsibility for the misuse of the card in 2010.

The judge felt that the bar bill should fall on the shoulders of the establishments that served the kid these expensive drinks and the American Express company for not having a tighter checks and balances systems in place apparently for the use of their card.

The court ordered that the boy's father pay 800,000 yen out of the 5.5 million yen bill his son had racked up and the snotty teen walked out of the Japanese court free from debt.

So is the father going to pay that money or is his son going to pay him? The boy is now 19, old enough to get a job.  He should pay his father back every singe dollar that he owes him until he has paid him the 800,000 yen that his father must pay the credit card company.

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