2PM Embarrassed By Honest Remark From A Middle Schooler

Honesty is the best policy, we preach as a society.

A female middle school student who appeared on KBS talk show, 'Hello,' along with the members of 2PM was just that. She was brutally honest.

The teen requested to get on the talk show to make an official complaint about her dad who forces her to live by a set schedule at all times and all costs.

After a brief introduction, she sheepishly said hello to the members of 2PM in an unusual coolness that is rare for teenage girls in the presence of idol stars.

Asked whether she is a fan of 2PM, the honest teen replied, "No, I like B1A4," prompting a huge laughter at the recording studio and putting the 2PM members to shame.

The brutally honest middle school student ended up winning the best episode on the show.

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