VIXX, 'We Did Not Even Know About Semi-nude Photo Shoot'

It is the devil this time. In a way, it comes as no surprise as VIXX has always been about being different and standing out from crowds of similar idol artists.

"We play the devil this time in keeping with our dark colors. The expectation with regards to something fantasy-related seems to be rising. Maybe we can be magicians or cops next time," joked Ken.

The biggest selling point of the new album was definitely the album cover. The seminude album photos that describe newborn devils captured the raw masculinity with large doses of fatal charisma VIXX members aim to portray with their new album.

In actuality, however, VIXX members had a lot of trouble with the photo shoot.

"We knew there was going to be some skin but we had no idea our pants were coming down, too. We found out 10 minutes before the shoot. At first, we thought they were joking around," said Ravi.

About having to compete against a number of big-name artists who are decades their seniors, VIXX had a great answer up their sleeve that beamed with confidence.

"Because we are relatively new, I think it is tough to compete regardless of when we return. So we decided not to pay too much attention to what else is happening outside our schedules. We try to focus on what we can do to get better as musicians and performers."

Their goal as musicians is clear. Hong Bin let us in on their long-term plan.

"We hope to become a national trend. I hope that everything we do makes a hot issue. Of course, we have to become unique in order for that to happen. Our longest-term plan is to be loved by fans for as long as we can."

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