Hot Mic Comment Lands Voice Judge Adam Levine In Hot Water

"I hate this country."

Those four small words have gotten Maroon 5 singer and NBC's The Voice judge, Adam Levine into some pretty hot water.

The comment came after "America" saved a country singer from being voted off the show. Saving the country hopeful meant that the show lost R & B singer Judith Hill and Sarah Simmons, to the disappointment of Levine.

Levine can be seen as the results are about to be read crossing his arms and both fingers in hopes his favored contestants will be spared, and then brief remark can be heard right after. Although cameras were trained on country star and fellow judge Blake Shelton, Levine's mic was never turned off, so the comment was still heard.

Following the hot mic comment, Levine took to social media site Twitter with a series of tweets defending his comment with definitions.

"joke- noun 1. Something said or done to provoke laughter or cause amusement, as a witticism, a short and amusing anecdote, or prankish act"

"hu·mor·less (hymr-ls) adj. 1. Lacking a sense of humor. 2. Said or done without humor"

"light·heart·ed Function: adjective 1 : free from care, anxiety, or seriousness : happy-go-lucky 2 : cheerfully optimistic"

"mis·un·der·stand Pronunciation: (ËŒ)mi-ËŒsÉ™n-dÉ™r-ˈstand Date: 13th century 1 : to fail to understand 2 : to interpret incorrectly"

Although the star claimed he was making a lighthearted joke, not everyone seems to have the same sense of humor. Fans of the show took to twitter as well to let Levine know how they felt about his remark.

"Does Adam Levine get deported for saying "I hate this country" on the voice tonight? lol hey US we'll trade you for Bieber!" Asked one tweeter.

"I think Adam Levine saying "I hate this country" was completely unnecessary." Another tweeter said.

"Did anyone else hear Adam Levine say "I hate this country" LIVE on air? Not a smart move. Just solidified Douche Bag Status." Another tweeter said.

Some fans of the show understood the comment, and came to Levine's defense.

One fan tweeted, "Hearing Adam Levine say 'i hate this country' from off camera is a small comfort in the wake of the voting tragedy that happened this week."

Another said," The two best singers on the Voice got voted off, I agree with Adam, 'I hate this country.' It's not the voice, it's the country show."

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