Israel's Defense Minister Warns Putin To Stop Weapons Shipments To Syria Or Else: Russia's Foreign Minister Says No Deal

Tensions between Russia and Israel are intensifying as the Putin administration reiterated its stance on weapons shipments to Syria.

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Tuesday that Moscow is not going to abandon its arms deal with the Assad administration despite criticism from Israel and other Western countries, according to the Associated Press.

"We understand the concerns and signals sent to us from different capitals. We realize that many of our partners are concerned about the issue," Ryabkov told the Associated Press.

"We have no reason to revise our stance."

Israeli government officials have been trying to convince Russia to halt the sale of S-300 air defense missiles to the Assad government, citing the regime's alliance with the Lebanese militia group Hezbollah as a "threat."

Israel has also taken several measures to hamper the delivery of arms to Syria from other countries, carrying out airstrikes aimed at eliminating shipments of weapons that might make their way toward Hezbollah.

Israeli Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon warned Russia on Tuesday that Israel is prepared to use force to stop the ongoing deliveries of arm shipments to Syria, according to the Associated Press.

 "The shipments have not been sent on their way yet. And I hope that they will not be sent," Yaalon said at a press conference. But "if God forbid they do reach Syria, we will know what to do."

Strains in Russia and Israel's relationship have increased since the beginning of the Syrian civil war, as Russia has remained an adamant ally of the Assad administration and as Israel fervently opposes the incumbent government. 

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