Amanda Bynes Calls Chrissy Teigen 'Old Ugly Model' On Twitter

Amanda Bynes is at it again, this time going after John Legend's fiancé, Sports Illustrated model, Chrissy Teigen.

Bynes called Teigen an "old ugly model" on Twitter last night and Teigen did not take kindly to the harsh words, but didn't engage in the insult battle. 

This obviously isn't the first time, but Bynes will probably say she was provoked.

At at little after 9 pm EST last night, Teigen, sent out this tweet about Amanda Bynes:

Here's what Bynes wrote in response: "Ur not a pretty model compared to me. I signed to Ford models @ age 13. I don't look up to u beauty wise. I'm far prettier than u! I'm offended that you're saying I have a mental illness when I show no sign of it, but thankfully not one man that wants me wants you and you are an old ugly model compared to me! You look 45! You're not pretty so I'm not intimidated by you! I think you're jealous that you're just an ugly model whos career is uninspiring! I don't respect you! You're no beauty queen! I'm a beauty queen!"  Chrissy Teigen did not engage in the war or words. Instead, she was calm.

Teigen should be commended for the way she handled another epic Bynes Twitter rant. She didn't indulge in the former starlets obvious calls for help and attention. But Bynes wasn't the same. She retweeted a bunch of nasty comments of Teigen by her followers after her earlier longer message calling Teigen "ugly and old." Amanda Bynes also retweeted this Gucci Mane message of support:

The Chrissy Teigen Amanda Bynes Twitter kerfuffle was pretty one-sided, especially when you consider how much better Teigen comes off without losing her cool after Bynes attacked her personally.

The same could be said for the Rihanna Amanda Bynes Twitter war.

Amanda Bynes might be getting a lot of coverage for her provocative Twitter account, but she's not winning many friends, despite her escalating follower numbers and bizarre attacks on celebrities. 

She even attacked Courtney Love after Love attempted to help her:

When is Amanda Bynes going to stop tweeting? It can't come soon enough for a lot of people. 

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