'Of Course That Is Not Me' Says Psy About Look Alike

The Psy look-alike confused many media reporters and fans alike last week when the similar figured Asian male, dressed in what Psy would have chosen to wear for an international event like the Cannes Film Festival, appeared on the red carpet unannounced. We have since learned that Psy was just as confused and that the self-proclaimed Psy is actually a Korean-born Frenchman Denis Carre.

Well, it turns out someone was still a bit confused about the two. Psy's U.S. manager Scooter Braun.

On May 28, Scooter Braun asked via Twitter whether the man in a photo he attached is Psy himself or someone else. The man in the said photo was Denis Carre.

Psy responded, "Of course not!"

During an interview with a Korean media reporter, Denis Carre told, "I heard a lot of people saying that I look like Psy last year, especially at clubs. That is what got me to put on this Psy costume. We are very similar and he changed my life."

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